The story’s setting:

Geographically speaking & in terms of Kuanzishwa's animal kingdom, Ithuriel’s era very much mirrors the Pleistocene era. “Racially” speaking, this era has a lot of authentically ignorant between people, but racism is rare. Tribalism very much exists. But this is mainly based on region, rather than melanin (though noteworthy—& dangerous—exceptions exist).

There are three known, inhabited major regions/continents. All have varying degrees of “civilization,” with Alk’bulaan & Zhou-Baek being the most developed continents. It’s also noteworthy that Koryrrah—in Aul—is among the world’s most developed countries, especially in technological terms.


The Nigritia

This era’s most advanced collection of countries is found on Alk’bulaan (modern Africa). After centuries of autonomous existence, sometimes cooperating, sometimes warring, six of these “civilized” countries have banded together in a loose union known as The Nigritia. Despite initial difficulties & internal rumbling, bonds forged by The Nigritia in these past fifty years have led to: 1) two decades of absolute peace; 2) unqualified prosperity & 3) much more civilian authority.

These monarchical/republic governmental structures may mirror today’s Thai monarchy, Japan’s imperial state or the British monarchy—not necessarily one-family rule, but highly influenced by royal lineage.

Kahnuri is the kingdom most receptive to these changes. Sandeh is the least receptive. The others within The Nigritia are at varying degrees of agreeability within these two extremes. But with Kahnuri & Sandeh’s leadership—especially considering their centuries of enmity—these changes continue to affect the continent. The old guard is teaching everyone that a better future & a more unified Nigritia are possible.

As these “houses”—these leaders that grew up being treated almost as deities—grow older & gradually/willingly hand over more of their power, schisms are developing. Most of the populace appreciate & applaud this societal change. But within each of the countries, a very small-but-volatile minority prefers the old pattern. There has been comfort in having a single ruler to whom one might look for answers. Self-responsibility is demanding. Plus, there’s comfort in the old enmities & warfare—a pride & predictability. Amongst the royalty, ruling classes & politicians, similar fissures are expanding.

Nonetheless, the kings & queens running these entities, who are moving their individual countries & the continent’s majority toward an egalitarian existence, presume that everyone would—sooner-or-later—understand & appreciate their collective effort. These are monarchs who had lived through strife & warfare. Warfare that had drained their budgets & killed their subjects.

They knew that by changing this emphasis—from “subject” to “fellow citizen”—the entire continent, & perhaps the world, would greatly benefit.

However, despite these lofty goals, this group of wise women & men completely overlooked the one place where dissent against their plans was most potent. Most lethal.

Each country within The Nigritia is geographically expansive. Abundant natural resources, navigable waterways, etc. are the norm for all these countries. West-to-east, north-to-south, The Nigritia’s six countries: Mauri (Bahmakko is its capital), Djallon (Aboojah is its capital), Kahnuri (Aston is its capital), Sandeh (W’Bondei is its capital), Nahmbari (Tlokweng, is its capital) & Nyanjarrah (Longwe is its capital; Locar is its major port city).


Precursors to Chinese & Japanese empires (Zhongua & Wa-Koku, respectively) dominate this story’s version of Asia, Zhou-Baek. (However, Bharatsha's [India's] loose coalition of autonomous provinces is also powerful.) These two kingdoms have spent much of their energy & concentration either trying to invade or repulse each other. This is why neither has seriously pursued diplomatic contacts with other burgeoning countries in Zhou-Baek or Alk’bulaan.

But this detente between Wa-Koku & Zhongua may be changing.

Most interaction throughout Zhou-Baek is due to merchants. Wa-Koku mainly does so via ships. Such trade—or piracy—principally occurs in the area of Zhou-Baek that will become present-day’s island nations, such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, etc. During Kuanzishwa, these places are part of the continental landmass. A couple of vessels from Wa-Koku have made it as far west as Paarsin's Gomoro.

No Alk’bulaan ships have ventured farther east into Zhou-Baek than Gomoro—& these ships only came from Locar. As a result, a few people from these disparate countries have interacted with that port city. A sliver of a minority have even relocated to Locar. Otherwise, Alk’bulaan, by-&-large, stays to itself. The continent's integrated nature means that it does not need to trade with other global regions. Doing so is just a luxury, not a necessity.

Zhou-Baek's collective decision not to interact among its many countries is mainly due to the aforementioned tribalism. Even though they would all benefit by more robust trade, there are only few cross-continental caravan routes.


This “continent,” present-day Europe, is largely covered by glaciers. Most people from Aul are Caucasian, ranging from very fair to the area’s central-north (closest to the glaciers) to olive-skinned people to its south. Compared to Alk’bulaan & Zhou-Baek, the majority of Aul’s inhabitants lag behind in terms of organization & “civilization.” Most humans from Aul are still hunter-gatherers or marauding bands—bands that are growing in size & strength.

As mentioned above, Koryrrah is the stark exception. When comparing its development, his island nation rivals anything to the south & east. In terms of myth or legend, Koryrrah compares to Atlantis. (Koryrrah is much like ancient Crete. Theories state that Crete may have been the source of Atlantis’ lore—especially since geographic & archaeological evidence prove that the island, in antiquity, experienced a terrible natural cataclysm.)

Everyone is aware that Koryrrah stands apart from the rest of Aul. Some of the mainland’s brightest have migrated there & some people shipwrecked on Koryrrah from the mainland (coming in small, shipping vessels) have ended up here. People in Koryrrah are well aware of what’s happening in Aul & what’s happening in its extended region, due to extensive trade with Assihr & meager interactions with Alk’bulaan.

Koryrrah actively resists contact with Aul’s “barbarians.” The island-state has determined that the hordes have nothing to contribute to Koryrran civilization.

Mainly due to its inclement nature, Aul is this period’s least populated landmass.


Ithuriel, Volume 03
