(Not trying to be esoteric or deep, but) LIFE is STORYTELLING in various ways & media.

Jokes. Conversations. Confrontations. Condolences. These are all versions of STORYTELLING.

When it comes to helping visual storytellers present their ideas, STORYBOARDING is an essential—a CRUCIAL—element.

These examples of past/present work are diverse; they are diverse in the story types. Various media are being used in the storytelling. There were all kinds of production demands within the work I produced. So it’s nice to share my storytelling versatility.

Additionally, if a director may be compared to an under-construction building’s general contractor, the storyboard’s are that building’s blueprint.

Here are some STORYBOARD samples.

Products, Production Companies & the Like (partial list):

  • Disney

  • Disney XD

  • Universal Studios Japan

  • Tongal

  • Husky Tools

  • Crest Toothpaste

  • Band-Aid

  • Mattel

  • General Motors

  • Ford

  • Nissan

  • Soupline (France)

  • Lego

  • Pepsi

  • Tostitos

  • Suave Shampoo