
This project—set in New Orleans, with my STORYBOARDS drawn to match locations that the production company had procured—was a Darren Bousman (“Saw” & other movies) film. We did some nice world building in the project’s initial days.

“Abattoir” was a prime example of how the “business” part of the “movie-making business” is self-crippling. Long-to-short, Darren’s original film couldn’t get made due to egos revolving around money, credit & percentages.

Some of my ’board work from the initial script made it into the final film. However, to ultimately get the movie made, the script underwent drastic changes.

Nonetheless, I felt good about my storytelling on the project.


"Confederate Zombies" 'Board/Concept Artwork


"Insomnia" TV/Streaming Mini-Series