“The Roach: At War with The Cause”
Set between World Wars 1 & 2, “The Roach: At War with The Cause,” is an award-winning graphic novel, featuring an almost nameless anti-hero as its driving protagonist.
Though much of the narrative is placed in Bronzeville—Chicago's redlined district for African Americans, the storyline more than places The Roach in a Black neighborhood. The character learns from the milieu & the people that he encounters.
In an excerpt from Tony Isabella's critique, the acclaimed comic creator said, “Roach's four-(chapter) arc transcends the 'judge, jury, & executioner' cliches of its pulp magazine forerunners. Though the bad guys are bad guys and Roach makes no apologies for them, he never lets them become one-dimensional. The same is true for his heroes & supporting characters. By need, circumstance, or cause, they are natural to this place and time, imbuing Roach's story with a keen sense of reality.”
[The character isn’t named after me; that’s a story for another day.]