“Dwight” (WIP)

Like The Roach’s original arc, “War Against The Cause,” this noir-themed story mixes fiction, history, late-1920s Chicago, real people, created characters & socio-political situations that continue to recur across generations.

“Dwight” revolves around a young boy with downs syndrome who is suddenly orphaned. Regardless of The Roach’s sympathies, he has no space for such a child. Or any child. So, while the killer searches for the team of assassins that killed the boy’s mother, Sadie takes care of Dwight.

Historical occurrences from late 1929—Capone’s cushy “internment” at Eastern State Prison (in Pennsylvania), his actual lieutenants—left in charge of the South Side, the city’s topography, that winter’s snowy weather, etc.—are extensively mixed into this fictitious narrative.

Additionally, a radio talk show host—“Windy City” Wesley Johnson—is a constant thread throughout this narrative. Johnson tracks & trolls activities around Chicago as The Roach navigates his way between the assassins & Capone’s Outfit.


The ROACH "At War with The Cause"