Social Changes Occurring Around Kenny/a Sampling of Storylines’ Settings

1) U.S. Civil Rights Movement
This era & socio-political/financial equity movement is a foundational part of the 1950s-70s. (It may be fair to say that the movement’s unfinished work continues.) Various aspects underscored the Civil Rights Movement. Many of these aspects were unattractive.

One aspect that can not be ignored is the violence that American Blacks & their allies faced—from “well meaning” people & from avoid social supremacists.

Voting rights were a pivotal problem that the Civil Rights Movement sought to fix. Jim Crow laws restricted Blacks’ right to vote. White & Black Americans (many of them college students from north of the Mason-Dixon line) helped herein. All of these groups had to deal with virulent violence.

Legislation—mainly federal—was passed to try to address endemic inequities. The movement was necessary in order to spur national politicians to act.

True history that includes real people, circumstances, places, etc. will be storytelling elements. Given Kenny & Puppy’s nomadic lives—living this way because the boy has no permanent home & because they must keep Puppy away from people who want to hurt him, they will encounter many experiences in many parts of America.

Then—like now—the media had a profound affect on public perception. The media, & American citizens, underwent a significant shift as the circumstances underwhich Blacks tried to survive was clearly shown to the country.

Not to mention the violence that they had to endure while (in the VAST majority of cases) peacefully protesting.

The idea—in U.S. media & among citizens—shifted away from “uppity” assumptions toward the chance that something was seriously wrong began to occur.


Société de la Macabre—Primary Antagonists


Social Changes - 2) U.S. Women’s Liberation Movement